Friday, March 28, 2014

Smoked Northern Pike

I'm a little behind on my blog, as you're all going to find out shortly.  So much for that New Year's Resolution right?!?
In January, we have what is affectionately referred to as the 'Party on the Ice' for the Annual Highland Lions Club, Blackhawk Lake Fisheree.  My cousin and husband had some luck catching a few Northern Pikes on tip-up lines.  In honor of the fishree they decided to smoke the fish for our feast.  Typically what the party entails is a group of about 3-6 shanties, and a huge grill-out potluck on the ice.  Not too many fish are caught that day, but the fun we have makes up for it all.
Here's the recipe and instructions for how we smoked the fish:
1.) Scale the fish and remove the fillets leaving the skin on them.
2.) Place the fillets in a brine of: 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of brown sugar.
3.) Let the fillets brine overnight.
4.) After the fillets have brined overnight, remove them and wipe away excess slop.
5.) Lay on racks in a cool place, with good air circulation, until a glossy coating forms on fillets.
6.) Smoke over apple or chokecherry wood for approximately 4-6 hours, or until done.

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